20 Questions Tonight at 7 p.m.


Join Pastor Dale for a revealing look into the Book of Revelation. Live on Zoom at 7 p.m.

This week’s big question:
Why Am I Afraid of the Book of Revelation?

The Book of Revelation has long been the subject of debate among Biblical scholars. Described by some as part visionary imagery, part apocalyptic prophesy and by others as an allegory dripping in symbolism, the Book of Revelation foretells of Christ’s ultimate return and the final conquering of sin. 

However, before we can get to the “New Heaven,” the Book of Revelation brings us tell of the most intense and scary images in Christianity such as the “Seven Seals,” a “Seven-Headed Dragon,” a “Lake of Fire,” and “The Beast.”  

So…should we read the Book of Revelation with a sense of foreboding, or is our fear simply of our own making and not the author’s intention?