Rev’s Mid-Week Thought


As you can imagine, while recovering from surgery for just over a month, I’ve had plenty of time to reflect. Remembering, reliving, and retelling is a necessary exercise that allows one to gain perspective. Looking back on my life, I cannot deny that there have been moments where I have unintentionally and perhaps even intentionally caused emotional harm to others. At times, the desire to “get back at” has clouded my personal and professional relationships, causing some to leave my life. The pastor you have come to know is not the same one who started over 25 years ago. I have grown and evolved into the person I am now. There have been moments of regret where I have reflected on how I could have handled situations better, and I have come to realize that self-forgiveness is vital. We cannot change the past, but we can take responsibility for our actions and strive to treat others with dignity and respect.
Yet, in all honesty, there have been moments when I felt inadequate and unsure of my abilities to face challenges. But as I have learned, when human limitations weigh us down, the holy presence of God within us can lift us. This understanding is a wisdom and strength that surpasses our own. And so, I have learned the power of letting go and allowing God to heal me from within. It does not mean that we become mere bystanders in life, but rather, it is a recognition that the divine presence of God works through us and for us.
So, I urge you, Wentz’s family and friends, to let go and let God heal you. Forgive yourself, and in turn, love and show compassion to others. We are all imperfect beings, but we can strive to be better every day by embracing the power of self-forgiveness and the transformational presence of God.
“Be careful what you set your heart upon-for it will surely be yours.” James Baldwin