Wentz’s Mid-Week Thought by Head Elder Ruth Geisel


The days are getting shorter with each passing day as we move into fall. I love when the days are long and have a feeling of sadness when the days get shorter, a signal that change is happening. Hopefully you are all having a great summer and have had some time to relax and enjoy the heat. Enjoy the rest of your summer!

The Olympics ended the other week and I enjoyed watching them and trying to see as many events as possible. With the Olympics came the commercials for the political candidates and the commercials for getting ready for the first day of school. Children are starting to prepare for the beginning of school. Each child has different expectations and challenges for the new year. The Wentz’s preschool is gearing up for the new year with the promise of a great year.

Since I was in education for my career, I have always looked at fall as a new beginning. There is a hope for growth and improvement. It is also a new beginning at Wentz’s. There is a hope for a great year, and we would love to have you along for the ride. Welcome to great beginnings!

I can do all things through him who strengthens me.
Philippians 4:13

Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.
Hebrews 11:1

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