Come, see, and experience the Reverend Dr. James L. Mills, Sr. “Rev” — as he likes to be called — brings energy, passion, joy, and the love of God and all of God’s people to share with the community of Lansdale and beyond.
A little bit about Rev: Mills and his two teenage sons are no strangers to the area. A native of Lancaster, he brings more than 20 years of experience as a minister and administrator. Ministry is in his blood. Rev’s grandmother served as a pastor in the African-Methodist Episcopal Church for 20 years. Mills shares that family members recall him delivering his first sermon at the age of 8. Rev is self-described as a community focused person: “service in the community, especially around issues of social justice and inclusion, is dear to me.”
Prior to accepting the pastorship at Wentz’s, Rev served as senior pastor with the First Congregational Church of Fair Haven in Vermont. He also served as administrative bishop at the Fellowship of Affirming Ministries, a multidenominational, multinational, primarily African-American group of Christian leaders and laity who practice a theology of radical inclusivity, which engages and ministers to individuals on the margins of society. Rev says his goal is to make the church a place of refuge where people living in those margins can know they are loved and needed. “Even just sitting with them and building trust is a great first step. What I hope to bring the community is a sense that everyone is welcome in the house of the Lord. We are not looking for perfection. We’re all far from perfect – we are trying to make progress.” Rev acknowledges the powerful dynamic of his being an African-American man leading a predominantly white congregation. “I think it speaks volumes that, at this moment, they would pick an African-American man to lead them.” Looking ahead, Mills is eager to make the congregation more active and visible in the greater Lansdale community.