Events for April 21, 2024 - March 20, 2024


All meals must be pre-ordered by Sunday, October 3. Looking for a fun way to celebrate the arrival of Fall? Join us for OktoberWentz! Our tasty take-out menu is inspired by traditional German favorites. Order your meals today, then pick them up at Wentz's United Church of Christ on Saturday, October 9 from 4-6 p.m. […]

Annual Christmas Bazaar

Kick-off the Christmas season with our annual Christmas Bazaar! We have all your traditional favorites this year, including our Christmas cookies and homemade soups and applesauce as well as boutique items, jewelry, Christmas crafts, decor and so much more! Check off your gift list with Wentz's! Want to skip the lines? You can pre-order cookies, […]

Lenten Book Conversation “Freeing Jesus”

“How can you still be a Christian? This is the most common question Diana Butler Bass is asked today. It is a question that many believers ponder as they wrestle with disappointment and disillusionment in their church and its leadership. But while many Christians have left their churches, they cannot leave their faith behind.  In Freeing […]


PUBLIC AUCTION 11TH ANNUAL Saturday, April 30, 2022 WENTZ’S COMMUNITY AUCTION Preview 8 am         Auction Starts 9 am            Wentz’s United Church of Christ 3246 Skippack Pike Lansdale (Worcester Township) PA 19446 For a complete list visit   (click on auction) Call 215-855-6541 COLLECTIBLES, TOOLS, FURNITURE, SERVICES,  HOUSEHOLD MERCHANDISE Food and beverages served

Pumpkin Carving

Let the gourd times roll!  Carve out some time on Thursday, October 20th from 6:00pm to 8:00pm to join in pumpkin carving, sponsored by Wentz's Guild.  Fun for all ages, bring your family and friends!  From pumpkins to patterns to carving supplies...The Guild provides it all, including snacks.  Pumpkins will be used to decorate the […]