Donations can be made through our Online – Giving, RebelGive. Or, you may use a check for your donation, made payable to Wentz’s UCC – and mailed to: 3246 Skippack Pike, Lansdale, PA 19446. We thank you for your continued support.
You can make a WORLD of difference!

Your gracious giving allows Wentz’s to fulfill its support of critical missions both here and abroad, while also forwarding unique programming touching the lives of our congregation and our community.
We’ve made giving to Wentz’s easy.
Simply enter the amount you’d like to give in the box below, then click the forward arrow. From there you’ll be able to select how often you’d like to give and how you’d like your gift used.
You can:
- Make a one-time gift
- Schedule recurring weekly or monthly giving
- Donate by credit card
- Contribute through on-line banking
- Manage your account
The next time you visit, simply click on the blue icon on the bottom right corner on any page to make donation.
Have questions about how to maximize your on-line giving? Contact us at 610.584.4855
For more information about Wentz’s ministries and gift designations, click here(links to special offerings subpage)