Rev’s Mid-Week Thought


Dispatch from recovery,

It is comforting to be back in the familiar space of home and able to share my thoughts with you once more. Amid a challenging journey of knee surgery and recovery, I have been reminded of the non-linear nature of progress—with its ups, downs, forward strides, and steps back. This reflection resonates deeply as I navigate my recovery journey and think about our collective life together, serving as a source of encouragement for you and me.

The truth is anybody can be a Christian and sing songs and hymns when the sun shines. Giving God “amens” doesn’t take much faith when all your bills are paid. You don’t have to be strong in the faith to shout Hallelujah when everything is well in your life. But when the bottom falls out in your life, when sickness comes, when trials and difficulties make their presence known, this is when our faith kicks in to remind us in no uncertain terms: “God is a very present help in the time of trouble.”

This message is directed at those enduring tough times and trying to stay afloat amidst challenges. Despite showing up with a smile, the weight of life’s burdens can be overwhelming. Despite prayers and seeking solace in faith, the road may seem long and arduous. While the immediate resolution may not be in sight, the good news remains – God is aware of our struggles and has already paved the way forward. Just as Moses led the Israelites through the parted Red Sea, God had already provided the solution before we even reached our own metaphorical Red Sea. By trusting in the divine plan and remaining steadfast in faith, we can navigate through challenges with the assurance of God’s presence and guidance.

You will get through this!

“Humble yourself therefore under the mighty hand of God, so that He may exalt you in due time. Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.” 1st Peter 5:6-7