Rev’s Mid-Week Thought


Most of us understand the importance of maintaining peace in our minds and hearts. However, if you are like me, there are days when we may feel quick to irritation and anger, and in those moments, it can be easy to blame external factors for the lack of peace. But in reflection, we realize that you and I have the power to choose our reactions, and we can choose to approach any situation with peace. This is a reminder that, ultimately, we give meaning to the things that happen around us, and it is up to you and me to maintain our peace in the face of adversity.
In moments when your peace is disturbed, it is essential to remind yourself that there is another path other than losing your temper when the frustration of the moment surrounds you. Seize the opportunity to pause and breathe deeply before reacting. By seeing others as fellow travelers made in the image of God, we continue to cultivate a sense of kindness and understanding, which not only brings peace to our own minds and hearts but also radiates out into the community.
It is through our faith and understanding that we can choose peace over anger and frustration. By maintaining a sense of perspective and viewing others with kindness and understanding, we can navigate challenging situations with grace. As we continue to reflect and grow as a faith community, remember that our reactions to situations ultimately determine the level of peace in our lives. Choose to meet every situation with peace, and you will continue to experience the peace that surpasses all understanding.
“Pursue peace with everyone and the holiness without which no one will see the Lord.”
Hebrews 12:14