Rev’s Mid-Week Thought


Wednesday Greetings and Blessings, Beloveds,

In Sunday’s message titled “Time to Choose,” one of the main themes was the importance of recognizing the signs that indicate the times we are in and the potential risks. Just like road signs that we encounter while driving – stop, yield, detour, one way – these signs serve a specific purpose: to inform and guide us on the rules of the road. While these signs don’t force us to act a certain way, they provide crucial information that can help us avoid regrettable decisions in the future.

Disregarding these signs can lead to immediate consequences, inconveniences, significant emotional or physical damage, or even legal penalties. In the most severe cases, ignoring signs could even cost a life. Whether we agree with the information conveyed by the signs or not, their purpose is to serve as a warning, offering us a chance to modify our behavior for our own safety and well-being. Just like connecting the dots in a puzzle, understanding the signs around us helps us make informed decisions that can be lifesaving.

The concept of following signs extends beyond roadways to our spiritual and personal lives. Jesus’s invitation to “Come and follow me” taps into our innate desire to follow something or someone. People often gravitate towards leaders who may not always have their best interests at heart simply because of charisma or manipulative words. However, who or what we choose to follow ultimately determines our destination. Those who heed warnings and align themselves with higher principles can navigate through impending dangers, while those who ignore the signs may face significant repercussions. It’s a reminder that our choices play a crucial role in shaping our outcomes and futures.

Now, if you are unwilling to serve the Lord, choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served in the region beyond the river or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are living, but as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:15