Rev’s Mid-Week Thought


Greetings Beloveds,

A couple of weeks ago, I mentioned the importance of self-care. As the saying goes, you cannot pour from an empty pitcher. The sentiment of caring for ourselves is worth repeating. We must first take care of ourselves to effectively care for others. Taking the time to practice self-care allows us to recharge and replenish our physical and mental energy. It also allows us to become more in tune with our bodies and emotions, helping us to avoid making impulsive decisions based on temporary circumstances. One spiritual practice that is available to us is to consistently check in with ourselves and put the world on pause.

Unless we totally cut ourselves off from life, it’s impossible to avoid frustration, anger, and anxious thoughts. It is important for all of us to recognize when those thoughts and feelings begin to materialize. For me, I feel the shift internally, and then it begins to show through my body language. For the past several weeks, the spirit has been reminding me to practice the HALT.

We make impulsive and bad decisions when we are Hungry, Angry, Lonely, and Tired. The more we learn to check in with our bodies, the better we will be at not making bad, impulsive, permanent decisions based on temporary circumstances.



