Rev’s Mid-Week Thought


Merry Almost Christmas, Wentz’s and Friends,

This week, I have been thinking a lot about Joesph. However, there is no Joseph without Mary. So what about Mary and her social standing? How might she be thinking about the circumstances she now finds herself navigating?

The scriptures tell us the angel of the Lord visited Mary. Tells her that she will bear a son. Her response is “How can this be?” Books, sermons, and movies often portray Mary as a naive virgin girl. But clearly, she understands biology. She is not confused or uninformed about how babies are made. Her response is a window into her thinking. The angel tells her she will conceive by way of the Holy Spirit. I don’t know about you, but if I were Mary, I’d have questions for Gabriel. My first question to Gabe is, are you trying to get me disengaged? I don’t think ole Joe will believe any of this craziness. Are you trying to get me disowned? Even if Joe believed this story, my parents would still indeed bear the public shame of having a daughter pregnant and unmarried. There are definitely sociological issues at hand. In Luke’s gospel, Mary says to the angel, “Here am I a servant of the Lord, let it be with me according to your word.” Mary takes a leap of faith.

As we celebrate Christmas and head into the New Year, we all should consider the question: “Am I ready and available to take a leap of faith?” Are you and I ready to believe the impossible is possible with God?

“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” Hebrews 11:1 NRSV