Rev’s Mid-Week Thought


Serving! Healing! Growing! Together! 2025
Grace and Peace,
 In the early 90s, when I was an undergrad, my first apartment had a thermostat setting called “Comfort Zone.” Some of you may remember that in 1991, former Miss America Vanessa Williams had a hit song called “The Comfort Zone.” A comfort zone is defined as “a place or a situation in which one feels safe or at ease.”
As followers of Jesus, we are familiar with the story of Abraham. God called him to leave his comfort zone and go to a new land that He would show him. Abraham had to leave behind his family, his home, and everything he was familiar with. It was a daunting request, and I can only imagine the anxiety and fear that must have crept in as he faced the unknown. However, Abraham trusted in God’s promises and stepped out in faith. As a result, he became the father of many nations and left a powerful legacy of faith for us to learn from.
Like Abraham, God often calls us to leave our comfort zones and step into the unknown. It may not be a physical move to a new land, but it could be a new job, a new way of understanding ourselves, or a new season of life. We may feel anxious and scared, wondering what people think or if we have what it takes. However, we can take comfort in that just as God was with Abraham every step of the way, He is also with us. God knows the plans He has for us and promises to never leave us or forsake us. We must trust in God’s plan and have faith that the holy spirit will guide us through the unknown as we journey. Just as Abraham became the father of many nations and lived a life of purpose and fulfillment, we too can experience the same when we trust in God and take that step of faith. Instead of being held back by fear, let us embrace the changes and challenges in our lives, knowing that God is working all things for our good and His glory.
“Now the Lord said to Abram, go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you.” Genesis 12:1 NRSV