Mike’s Mid-Week Thought


Greetings family! Rev was kind enough to listen to my heart and let me share what God’s spirit has been moving within me this week.

I hope that you all found joy over the Christmas holiday with family and friends. I know that I, for one, was filled with pleasant feelings while I gathered with you all at the various worship services, and with friends at holiday parties, and with my wife and kids laughing and sharing on Christmas morning. But, as Rev pointed out in his Christmas Eve morning sermon, many people had more of a “Myrrh” Christmas than a Merry Christmas (https://www.youtube.com/live/ZOdmdLrCJ-o?si=FVCvJspFbvPGgFye). In short, many people will remember this year more because of pain and loss than joy and giving.

That is where the real work of Jesus Immanuel (“God with us”) begins. Confronting hard truths is never easy, but it is an important step in emotional healing. None of us like to admit our mistakes, individually or as a Church, but unless we do, we can never move beyond what caused the hurt in the first place. Too often, we convince ourselves that the kind, loving thing to do for each other is to pretend that everything is okay and ignore the pain underneath. We try to avoid doing or saying anything that might make someone feel uncomfortable while ignoring the fact that people are hurting all around us specifically because the cause of their discomfort is not being acknowledged.

As we prepare to enter 2024, I look forward to continuing the good work that we have been doing at Wentz’s UCC in 2023. I look forward to expanding our presence in the local community. I look forward to living out our church’s mission… to actively exploring beliefs and assumptions, and promoting justice, peace and spiritual growth. And most of all, I look forward to courageously sharing the love and grace of our lord, Jesus Christ, with all of you and all the world. God bless you all and bring you grace and peace in the new year!

Hebrews 10:39 But we are not among those who shrink back and so are lost, but among those who have faith and so are saved.