Rev’s Mid-Week Thought


Grace and Peace be yours, Wentz’s,

As of yesterday, 8/1, I have been your pastor for eight months exactly. Getting to know the Wentz family has been a learning and loving experience. When I realized it had been eight months since I officially started ministry here on Skippack Pike and one month shy of a year since being voted in as Senior Pastor, I began to reflect on this ministry faith journey.

I remember early in my ministry, during a period of financial uncertainty, some of the faithful gathered together to seek comfort and guidance in prayer. As we voiced our concerns, one member gently suggested, “Let us pray that the money holds out.” However, an older lady, Lucille Baldwin, wise and seasoned in her faith, softly yet confidently interjected, “Oh, no! We need to pray that our faith holds out.” In that transformative moment, the significance of faith became vividly more apparent to me than ever before. It dawned upon me that faith is not a mere abstract concept but a tangible force woven into our hope and sustained by unwavering belief.

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it is essential to cultivate an unwavering faith that extends beyond specific desires or outcomes. Throughout our journey, we are bound to encounter various needs—be it financial stability, extra time, or more substantial unity among those we love. Instead of offering prayers solely for material provisions or specific results, it is wiser to tap into the wellspring of faith within us. This, indeed, is the most hopeful place to begin invoking divine grace and guidance.

I find comfort in my unwavering belief in the inherent goodness of God. As spiritual beings, we have been blessed with the gift of faith, which empowers us to shape our future with purpose and grace. The simple act of choosing to believe in the immense possibilities within ourselves deposited by the divine ignites a flame of faith that can guide our decisions and actions, even in the face of adversity.

My prayer Wentz is it becomes evident to each of us that faith is not just an abstract concept or blind belief. It is a powerful force that infuses meaning and purpose into our lives. By anchoring ourselves in faith, we can navigate the storms of uncertainty, rise above challenges, and walk with unwavering confidence on our journey toward fulfillment. Therefore, let us engrave the importance of faith in our hearts and minds, and may it serve as a constant reminder of the tremendous potential within us to manifest a brighter, more purposeful future.

“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the evidence which is not seen.”—Hebrews 11:1