Rev’s Mid-Week Thought


In the movie “A Star is Born,” Lady Gaga’s powerful journey from the shallows into the depth of her potential reflects a universal theme of overcoming fears and embracing growth. She asks her partner, “Aren’t you tired trying to fill that void? I’m off the deep end…watch as I dive in. We’re far from the shallow now.” Her poignant lyrics resonate with our inner struggles when stepping out of our comfort zones. The transformation from the safety of the shallows to the unknown depths symbolizes the courage and determination required to pursue our true passions and reach our full potential. Lady Gaga’s portrayal is a moving reminder that growth often involves leaving behind familiarity and diving into the unknown depths.

Similarly, in our spiritual journeys, the call to venture into deep waters resonates with the challenge of stepping out of the shallows of what we know and what we have always done and embracing the unknown territory of faith. Just as Simon Peter hesitated before obeying Jesus’ command to go deeper into the waters he knew so well, we too may resist the call to explore beyond our comfort zones. Luke’s account of this moment illustrates the common human tendency to doubt and question unfamiliar paths, even when guided by a higher purpose. It underscores the importance of trust and faith in the face of uncertainty.

The invitation to go deeper, in our case the call to embrace being peacemakers requires us to venture into the unknown with faith and courage. This moment challenges us to overcome our tendencies to cling to the safety of the known. The lesson of Simon Peter’s response, “If you say so,” echoes the surrender and trust required to embark on a profound spiritual journey. As we navigate the conflicts between familiarity and growth, between excuses and stepping out in faith, we are reminded of the transformative power of embracing the deep waters of life. By setting aside our doubts and fears, we can embrace a new perspective that transcends limitations and propels us towards limitless possibilities, a journey that can inspire and uplift us all.

‘When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Go out into the deep water and let down your nets for a catch.” Luke 5:4

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