Rev’s Mid-Week Thought


Allow me to be transparent and vulnerable this week. Over the past several weeks, I preached a three-part series entitled “Keep Calm and Carry On.” Every week, I go about the sermon crafting task, asking the spirit what is the message for God’s people? What is the word from the Lord that will encourage, build up, and strengthen the people of Wentz’s? Without fail, God always speaks to my heart in some fashion. Admittedly, I have been in my feelings about a few things over the past several weeks. I was on an emotional rollercoaster! Have you ever been there? While in my feelings a few days ago, I heard the spirit speak to my heart: “Keep Calm and Carry On; that message is for you too!” that was an ouch and amen moment.

As I reflect, I am filled with a deep sense of gratitude. I am reminded that my life, with all its twists and turns, is truly a precious gift. There may have been times when I got so caught up in my feelings and day-to-day responsibilities that I lost sight of this fact. But now, as I take a step back and consider the arc of my life, I am overwhelmed with appreciation for all that I have accomplished and how I have been blessed. I am reminded of how far I have come and how much further I can still go. My journey has been full of ups and downs, but ultimately leading me to where I am today. And with this realization comes a renewed passion for the journey and all its possibilities.

Throughout our journey, it is important to acknowledge God’s grace, mercy, and love that has guided and supported you and me every step of the way. Through this divine guidance, you have been able to find your place in the world and share your unique gifts with others. As you bless the world with your talents and abilities, remember that your life is not just for your own benefit but also for those around you.

In this moment of gratitude, allow yourself to feel a deep sense of peace and contentment. Your life is a gift, filled with experiences that have shaped you and opportunities that await you. Embrace this precious gift with an open heart and a grateful spirit, for living such a blessed life is truly an honor.

“In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” 1st Thessalonians 5:18