The Mid-Week Thought by Ruth Geisel and Debi Kinsky


Two weeks ago, Rev’s message was, “What’s next? And it is going to take courage.” When something changes in our lives, we start to question what comes next? What should I do now? We have been spending a lot of time thinking about these questions, preparing ourselves for a new and glorious next step. But it’s hard to prepare when we don’t know what is coming. Society today often creates strong demands on us, and it becomes difficult to accomplish everything we want to complete. We make choices and delay things, sometimes until too late. Do I devote more time to helping at Church, or do I take some “me time” and go shopping? Do I do yardwork, or do I fix the stuck window in the bedroom? And for every choice we make, we lose the opportunity to experience other moments in life. We all make choices as we travel through life and knowing the destination helps with those choices. Preparing for what’s next without knowing the target is a lot more difficult. Without a known goal, how can we get ready? And as Rev said, it is going to take courage.

The turbulence and divisiveness of today’s society creates even more uncertainty. Our Supreme Court has issued a ruling striking down aspects of affirmative action in college admissions. What comes next? As we work toward building a more open and accepting community, we need to take this decision and use it for that purpose. Affirmative action created opportunities for some who may have appeared less qualified based on outdated, biased criteria but were actually more than capable. With that support now removed how can we maintain that support for our brothers and sisters in need?

We can become that missing support. As Paul taught us, we are all parts of the body of Christ. We should not take sides or dismiss each other because of differences, but instead honor and celebrate our diversity. If one part suffers, every part suffers. If we start to celebrate our diversity and the individuality given to us by God, we can all share in the joy of Christ’s body. Perhaps what comes next is truly becoming one body made of many parts.

Or perhaps what comes next is focusing on our smaller circle of influence. If our immediate life is chaotic and overwhelming, how can we make a difference in the greater world? We don’t know what comes next, but we are trying to prepare ourselves and looking near and far to be ready for all God gives us, So, what comes next? We don’t know, but we are ready.