Rev’s Mid-Week Thought


Grace and Peace Beloveds,
Kindness is a language that resonates deeply within me. It is a universal language that transcends barriers and brings people together. Reflecting on this notion, I realize that my heart is multilingual and capable of speaking different languages depending on the situation. When the right buttons are pushed, another language that may not be as kind or gentle may come forward. I suspect most of us are multilingual when it comes to our hearts.

However, despite the potential for multiple languages of the heart, kindness should always be our default language. It should flow freely from us as we navigate through our daily lives. I am reminded of the power of simple acts of kindness. Recently, I experienced this firsthand when I discovered a beautiful watercolor painting of a sailboat waiting for me in my office. It was a gift from a friend of the Wentz family, someone I had never met before. The unexpected act of kindness touched my soul. It reminded me that even the smallest gestures can have a profound impact.

Kindness as the language of my heart has deepened my understanding of its importance. It has reinforced my belief that it has the power to transform lives, bring communities closer, and make the world a better place. Focusing on kindness becomes crucial in a world that can often feel discouraging. It becomes a way to counteract negativity and restore our faith in God and, by extension, humanity. It is essential to be intentional about recognizing and appreciating the kindnesses others show us. Gratitude fills our hearts when we reflect on these acts, which motivates us to pay those blessings forward. We discover countless opportunities to make a difference in someone else’s life, no matter how big or small.

May we be channels of kindness, spreading compassion and understanding wherever we go!

“She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.” Proverbs 31:27